Days 72-77

Process, Shadows

Medium + Method: Acrylic. Brush. Canvas paper (wrong side of paper for Day 72, featured above; correct side Days 73-77, featured below).

The Backstory: I’m continuing to create more permutations of the lotus flower center (by color, size, and composition). These images will then be used as part of the composite images.

Day 70

Process, Shadows

Medium + Method: Acrylic. Brush. Canvas paper (wrong side of paper).

The Backstory: The blue on red lotus image was a success, so I decided to give it a shot with another color combination. I also decided to try using the back of the canvas paper again, which unfortunately buckled a fair bit under 2 layers of paint.

Day 68: Oops

Process, Shadows

Medium + Method: Acrylic. Brush. Canvas paper.

The Backstory: I made a mistake. I started painting negative space with red, and I got carried away and crossed into the shadow. So I ran with it, covering the entire 4×4 with paint. Afterwards, I painted the negative space with dark blue. The colors really pop! As usual, my “oops” moment results in a new discovery.

Day 64

Process, Shadows

Medium + Method: Acrylic. Brush. Canvas paper. Toothpick. Chisel.

The Backstory: I was eager to try the paint-scraping technique using Shadow Generator 2.0, which means I can generate more complex and larger shadows. Unfortunately, the paint dries so quickly (even with ample retarder) as to undermine the beauty of this technique. I will need to either use different paint (i.e., oils) or reserve this technique for small spaces (yes, dear Reader, I went a bit beyond the 4×4 constraints today; call it artistic license).

Day 63: painting with shadows and photographing with paint

Process, Shadows

Medium + Method: Acrylic. Brush. Canvas paper.

The Backstory: Today I tried out “Shadow Generator 2.0” for the first time (see pic below). As usual, whenever I switch to a new method, there is a setback. Painting against the wall is a challenge (read: aching muscles and lack of control). As with other techniques, I must employ patience to get this one right, and I’m excited to test the limits of the shadow generator – I feel like I’m painting with shadows and photographing with paint.

Shadow Generator 2.0

If you build it, the shadows will come.


We went to Home Depot on Saturday and purchased 60 feet of 3/4 inch PVC piping, plus 22 connectors. I constructed a mock shadow generator in the middle of Aisle 44, reminiscent of childhood construction sets. We deconstructed the structure and took it home. I had to give all the pieces a bath as they were covered in dust. Tomorrow I start construction on shadow-generator-2.0.
